Friday, August 4, 2023


This site is a space created to support your learning process. Here you will find different exercises to practice and to learn more about the topics for this level.

Let's know more about our classmates. Please click on comments and leave a message where you introduce yourself to the rest of our class. You could include personal information, major, likes, dislikes and everything you want us to know about you.

My Introduction:


My name is Alejandra Jiménez. I was born in el Carmen de Viboral, but I Iive in Medellín. I studied translation at the University of Antioquia, but I have been working as an English  teacher at UNAL for 15 years and I love it. I live with my husband and my daughter. I like reading, learning and cooking. I don't like going to the gym, but I love walking. I hope we enjoy and learn
a lot this semester.

Take care!

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