Unit 3: Information report

Objective: at the end of this unit, you will write an information report based on the data collected in the survey you previously carried out.

November 9th

Let’s learn more about how to describe the findings of our surveys:


Bring the results of your surveys for our next class November 14th.

Nov 16th

Introduction & Conclusion

Use the questions below to guide the writing of your introduction and conclusion:

Criteria to assess this task:

Information report
Summative assessment
10 %
Needs improvement
Sections of the report
Does this text include an introduction, a description, a conclusion and some graphics to contextualize readers?

Purpose of each Section
Introduction: Is the introduction complete?

Description: Does each paragraph contain the most relevant findings? Are the findings presented in a logical way?

Conclusion: Does the text include a conclusion to sum up the report?

Graphics: Does the report include graphics to contextualize readers about the main findings?

Meaning: Is the text easy to understand?

Word Organization: Do the ideas follow a logical order (Subject+ Verb+ Object+ Complement)?

Voice: Do the writers use an impersonal voice (students, they, Bienestar Universitario)

Linking words: Are linking words (however, but, on the other hand, besides) used to connect the ideas better?

Punctuation & Capitalization
Punctuation: Are punctuation marks used properly?

Capitalization: Are capital letters used properly?

Upload your final report Here

Nov 21st 

Oral presentation - Summative assessment 15%

Please print your final paper and be prepared to present it to your classmates. Remember to practice your pronunciation: http://text-to-speech.imtranslator.net/ or https://voicenotebook.com/prononce.php 

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