Pronunciation tips


Improving your English Pronunciation

First of all, don't worry about not having a native-English accent. It's important to be able to speak clearly, so that people can understand you. Furthermore, it's almost impossible to sound exactly like a native English speaker if you are learning English as an adult in a non-English speaking country.

1. Listen to spoken English as often as possible. For example, practice with video activities.

2. Learn the phonetic alphabet. Practice with some exercises 1, 2, 3.

3. Don't forget to learn the word stress of a new word.

4. Work out which sounds cause you most problems in English. For example final -ED.

5. Be aware of intonation and sentence stress.

For example:

I ‘love you. (Love, rather than just like.)
‘I love you. (With the stress on I to highlight that it’s me rather than another person who loves you.)
I love ‘you. (And nobody else.)

6. Imitate the rhythm and intonation of the language you are studying.

7. Compare your pronunciation to the model or models on tape.

8. Practice your speech with a classmate or other person. 

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