Unit 1: My personal profile

Objective: In this Unit, you will be able to introduce yourself by using common and basic expressions in English. Moreover, you will be able to describe and understand personal information, your preferences and hobbies. At the end of this unit, you will write a personal profile to introduce yourself.

Unit Vocabulary

Click on the different links to practice vocabulary related to greetings and farewells, the alphabet, countries, months of the year, days of the week, and numbers.

Countries and Nationalities (Where are you from? Video)

August 10th

In class

A. Watch this video and try to write down expressions and questions you will use when you meet someone for the first time:


Then, use the learned expressions and talk to at least three classmates and see what you have in common.

B. Personal plan of work explanation.

Homework (August 15th)

1. Set one realistic goal you would like to achieve in a month in our English class. Write it down on your notebook.

2. Study this lesson:

Simple Present

Extra- Material

A. Click on the links below to practice your spelling.

2. Game to Practice Spelling

August 15th

Listening Exercise

Listen to a person giving his personal information to fill in a form. Then answer complete the dialogue with the missing information.

At the ORI (Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales)

Audio: Personal Information

ORI assistant: Good morning, may I help you?

International student: Hi, I need to fill in a form as part of the university requirements to do the registration, could you help me please? My Spanish is not so good yet! 

ORI assistant: Sure, let me see the form! well, what’s your name?

International student: My name is Helge.

ORI assistant: and what’s your family name?

International student: My last name is Askeland.

ORI assistant: Could you please spell it?

International student: A-S-K-E-L-A-N-D

ORI assistant: Where are you from?

International student: I’m from Norway.

ORI assistant: What’s your email address?

International student: My email is helge.askeland@uib.no

ORI assistant: Do you have a phone number?

International student: Yes, I do. I have a cell phone number. It is 3019583724

ORI assistant: How old are you?

International student: I’m 21 years old.

ORI assistant: What do you study?

International student: I’m majoring in political science.

ORI assistant: Great! I also study political science. Well, that’s it. I hope to see you in one of my classes.

International student: Thank you so much! It would be a pleasure for me to see you again.

Recommended website

Personal plan of work

Last class we explained the purpose of this task and asked you to write a realistic goal to reach in English in a month and half. Discute con tus compañeros tu objetivo y analízalo siguiendo estos indicadores:

Does this goal make sense? Is it clear?  YES____ NO____

Is the goal measurable? Can you track your progress?  YES____ NO____

Is this goal challenging but not impossible? YES____ NO____

Is this goal functional and necessary for you? YES____ NO____

Can you achieve this goal in a month and a half? YES____ NO____


1. Do all  the proposed exercises and write the answers on your notebook

2. Ajusta tu objetivo de aprendizaje basados en la discusión de clase.

August 17th

In class

Review personal information questions

Personal information questions are the basis for a conversation with a person you meet for the first time. Let's study the most common questions below:

Now practice your understanding with a listening exercise:


Let's review how to form numbers in English

Speaking practice

Listen to the description of a person and answer some questions based on the given information.


1. Design your personal plan of work

Download this worksheet in order to design your Personal Plan of Work and bring it for our next class.

 Personal Plan of Work Worksheet

If you need learning strategies check this document: Learning strategies

2. Listen to the audio and do all the proposed exercises. 

Introduction Task 1

August 22nd

In class

  1. Review

Last class there was a homework assignment about the life of a person. Let’s check your answers.

Introduction Task 1

  1. Listening Exercise 

Emma, an American assistant in Decize (France), is talking about Mickael Jackson's life. What you have to do is listen and fill-in the blanks with figures and numbers.

Michael Jackson / File / Audio 1/ Audio 2 /Audio 3

  1. Ordinal number formation

Let’s see how to form ordinal numbers.


  1. Reading exercise

Read a letter and answer the questions


Exercise to print


1. Let’s learn how to form questions in English to ask about routine or personal information.


2. Design your personal plan of work. 
Download this worksheet in order to design your Personal Plan of Work and bring it for our next class.

 Personal Plan of Work Worksheet

August 24th

In class

Review Possession

Let's learn more about possession in English: Exercise

Extra practice: Lesson on possessive adjectives & Exercise

Asking questions in English

Reading exercise: WH questions + a profile

Read the email sent by Michael, an international student looking for a place to stay in Medellín, and determine the questions you need to ask him in order to complete his profile.

Asking questions in English: Questions Presentation 

Extra practice:

1. Do these exercises to review WH words to ask questions in English

WH questions exercise


Homework August 29th

Design your personal plan of work.  Download the worksheet below in order to design your Personal Plan of Work and bring a digital copy for our next class.

 Personal Plan of Work Worksheet

August 29th

In class

1. Create an English Folder for our class with your name in your own Drive and upload your Personal Plan of Work there. Then share your folder with me aljimenezqu (Give me a permission to be editor of your folder) Copy the link and paste it HERE


2. Please download a copy of the next language workshop and develop all the proposed activities:

Language workshop

3. Upload your workshop with your answers in your English Folder.

September 5th

In class

  1. Let’s check your Language Workshop answers.

  1. Besides our personal information, another aspect that speaks about us is our preferences. Let’s watch the video below and see what they prefer:


When showing what we like or dislike, there are some common expressions that we use:



Let’s practice some grammar rules to express our ideas: 


  1. In order to learn some strategies to improve our study method I suggested you take a special questionnaire called VARK to know more about your learning style. Let’s discuss the results:




Personal plan of work

Read the strategies proposed by VARK and complete your persona plan by adding a strategy based on your learning style. 

Personal pronouns

Let’s practice this lesson to learn more about the use of pronouns in English. 


September 7th

In class

1. Watch the video below and take notes on the expressions you can use to speak about likes and dislikes:

2.  Vocabulary  & Grammar practice: Do the proposed exercises to practice the vocabulary and grammar used to talk about your likes:

Do you remember when to use personal pronouns vs object pronouns? In this exercise we can review some concepts

3. Listening practice: Listen to different people talking about their favorite social media and fill in the blanks with the words you understand. Then answer some questions about it.

4. Reading practice: Read a text about what a person's likes and then answer some questions about it.


Writing & Speaking

Read the model on how to speak about your preferences:


Then write a description about your own preferences and be ready to talk about it next week (September 12th) about it.

Personal plan of work

Complete your personal plan by adding VARK strategies to your activities and start your schedule to achieve your personal goal.

September 12th

In class 

Personal plan of work

Adjust your personal plan of work according to your teacher’s

recommendations (no borres los comentarios, crea una copia del archivo

mejorado). Empieza a desarrollar tu actividades e incluye estrategias

del cuestionario VARK:



You can also include activities related to our English Tutoring sessions. Click HERE for more information. 


Let’s take a quiz on how to use object pronouns:


Speaking practice 

Talk to your classmates about their likes by completing the given tasks. 

Board game: Likes & Dislikes

Homework September 14th

Study this model to learn more about how to write a personal profile. 

Personal profile model

September 14th

Start working on our project task 1: A personal profile. Do the proposed exercises to learn more about how to write your personal profile. 

Personal profile workshop

Homework: Personal Profile Summative Task 10%

Write a 150-200 word personal profile to introduce yourself. This profile must include a personal description (name, hometown, major, semester), preferences, hobbies, qualities or talents, extracurricular activities, and future professional goals.

Writing tips

Personal Profile Model 

Then share it in  your folder HERE

September 26th

Next week we will have our Oral Task to present our profile in a formal meeting with the University Student Welfare Office (USWO) from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. The objective is to know more about you and to meet other volunteers participating in this research. For that reason, it is important that we practice our pronunciation.

Pronunciation tips

September 28th

Important information

September 26th - Writing 10%

Deadline to send your personal profile.

October 3rd and 5th - Speaking- Oral Task 10% (Face to face activity)

Next week we will have our Oral Task to present our profile in a formal meeting with the University Student Welfare Office (USWO) from Universidad Nacional de Colombia. The objective is to know more about you and to meet other volunteers participating in this research. For that reason, it is important that we practice our pronunciation.


October 10th Midterm exam Reading / Grammar / Listening 10%

How to prepare for an interview in English

  1. Prepare the information I’m going to present.

Model: Personal profile


  • Write your personal profile.Keep your ideas simple.  Do not translate from Spanish to English.

  • Use models to write your text.

  • Check your personal profiles. Use these questions to check it:

  • unchecked

    Does this profile include personal information (birthday, age, hometown) occupation, likes, personality traits and plans for the future?

  • unchecked

    Is this profile divided by well-organized sections?

  • unchecked

    Does this profile provide examples to support the main ideas?

  • unchecked

    Is present simple tense used well to describe each section?

  • unchecked

    Are punctuation marks used correctly?

Finally, Correct your profile according to the recommendations given by your teacher.

  1. Anticipate possible questions and answers.

  1. Prepare your pronunciation.

  • Practice with another person with a better level of language.

Face to face tutors (Centro de recursos 46-102)


Virtual tutors





  • Use a pronunciation machine to prepare and to improve your pronunciation.




Midterm Exam Practice




Reading comprehension


Listening exercise


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