Unit 2: Every day is a new day

After completing this unit, you should be able to understand when people describe and narrate routines and to identify the everyday activities that a person performs, and order them according to the time of the day in which they are performed.


Watch the Video and Take Notes of New Vocabulary

What time is it?  What time do you...? 


1. Practice vocabulary related to daily routine:

2. Practice matching the time with its clock.

Exercise 1

Exercise 2




What do you usually do everyday? 
I usually get up at 5:30 a.m.I take a shower and get dressed. After that, I put on my make up, grab my books and ... Click on these links to learn vocabulary related to daily routines:



Oct 12th

In class

  1. Let’s check our Midterm Exam

  1. What do you usually do everyday? Let’s check these exercises to learn more about narrating everyday activities in English:

My Daily Routine Listening & Reading Exercise 

  1. Personal plan of work follow-up (Week 4): share your answers to these questions with another classmate and give him/her some recommendations: 1.What activities, strategies, or materials are helping you to achieve your objective? 2. What difficulties are you facing to implement your plan?

Homework October 17th

1. Work with other two classmates and choose a person you want to present his/her daily routine. Write down on your notebook the main activities this person does in a day.

2. Upload in your homework folder your personal plan version 2 and include some evidence of your work.


Click on the links below and learn about frequency adverbs:



October 17th

In-class activities

1. Let's review how to talk about habits in English



2. Last class we learned how to talk about our habits and you did an exercise on your notebook about it, let's talk to our classmates about it. 

Follow-up Task  (Writing 5% & Oral 5%)

Imagine you are invited to be part of a project called Families of the World. This project seeks to promote appreciation of the diversity through readings and videos about how different people live around the world. You can check their website: Families of the World

To participate in this project, you must write down a 200-word narration about the daily routine of a person in Colombia. You can narrate your own story or choose another person’s story (a farmer, a door-to-door salesman, a child, a housekeeper, an indigenous person, among others).

This narration of the daily routine should include an orientation (who? where? what?) and the development of events. At the end, students and teacher will choose the narration of a daily routine to represent our country in the Families of the World project. This is an example of a narration: Mrs. Edelmira's day 

Group up with two more classmates to do your homework and upload your exercise HERE.

Homework Oct 19th

Complete your narration about the life of a person in Colombia and prepare your speech to present it in class. 

Upload your exercise HERE.

Pronunciation tool


October 19th

In class

Summative assessment (5%)

Present your narration "A day in the life of a Colombian".

Speaking practice 

Let's spin the wheel and talk to your classmates.

How often do you ...?


Let’s learn more about information reports, study this lesson take notes of those concepts that might be important and interesting for you:


October 24th

Objective: introduce the next stage of our project “Healthy and Unhealthy Habits in University students” and work on the deconstruction of an information report

Introduction to the topic

Vocabulary exercise

Let’s learn a little more about healthy lifestyle by doing the following exercise:


Information report introduction

Read the text below and answer some questions:

New model PDF: Information report

¿Qué es un reporte informativo? ¿Cuál es el propósito del mismo? ¿Quién es la audiencia de este texto? 

Let’s learn more about information reports, study this lesson take notes of those concepts that might be important and interesting for you:



One of the language features used when describing findings is quantifiers. Study this lesson to learn more about them 



Explanation & Exercises



October 26th

Project Task 2: Designing and Conducting a survey

At this stage of the project, you will work with two more classmates to design and conduct a survey about healthy habits among our students. First define some categories to design your survey. Write several questions per category (12 in total) and its possible answer choices.

Before starting with this new task, let's review how to form questions in English:

Games to Practice Questions:

Grammar explanation: https://www.wallstreetenglish.com/exercises/simple-present-exercise-sentences-and-questions

Exercise 1

Read Miguel’s description of his habits and try to come up with the possible questions to complete his description. 

Exercise 2

The excerpt below was taken from the description of findings of an information report, determine the topics and themes and then write the possible questions used to gather this information. 


One of the main factors was stress. The principal cause of stress in students is studying. For example, 68 % of them expressed that their greatest concern is study; it causes them to be stressed. Many others feel stress for family problems, money, and mobility in Medellin. On the other hand, most students prefer to take a break when they feel stressed and some other ones prefer to do exercise. Many others prefer other activities such as doing yoga, playing games, sleeping, and eating. Few of them take medicines or other substances for stress. Most of them prefer not to take medicines or other substances.

Extra practice



In groups, choose two or three topics you would like to analyze in your survey.

Take into consideration these questions:

What are the main concerns/needs among university students?

Can the University Welfare Office help solve these problems? How?

October 31st

Objective: learn how to write a survey on healthy and unhealthy habits in university students


Watch the video below and answer some questions about it


What are the topics mentioned in the video?

What are the themes based on each topic?

Class discussion

In groups, choose two or three topics you would like to analyze in your survey.

Take into consideration these questions:

What are the main concerns/needs among university students?

Can the University Welfare Office help solve these problems? How?

Designing your own survey

Step 1

Write a short introduction to contextualize the participants of this study. (80 words max)

Take a look at this model: https://www.hss.gov.nt.ca/sites/hss/files/resources/healthy-eating-assessment.pdf 

What should we include in our own questionnaire?

Intro sample:

The purpose of this assessment is to identify eating patterns, health benefit scores and to provide a guide to start the conversation of eating healthy to prevent chronic diseases.  

By answering these questions, you will learn how healthy you are or get you ready to start a conversation with your health care provider on how to make improvements. •

Over the past few weeks, average what you ate or drank and circle one answer for each of the questions below. 

Step 2 

Write some demographic questions to understand the background of your participants. e.g. What is your gender? What is your age?

Step 3

Write four to five questions (12 total) per topic with their corresponding answers. Remember you can write multiple choice questions either with only one option or multiple choices.

Step 4

Share your questions on a Google document HERE.


Prepare your Personal Plan of Work Presentation, this presentation will take place on November 2nd in the room 46-202. En este espacio presentaremos los productos del Personal Plan.

November 7th

In class

Project Survey

Write a short introduction to contextualize the participants of your study. (80 words max)

Take a look at this model: https://www.hss.gov.nt.ca/sites/hss/files/resources/healthy-eating-assessment.pdf 

Intro sample:

The purpose of this assessment is to identify eating patterns, health benefit scores and to provide a guide to start the conversation of eating healthy to prevent chronic diseases.  

By answering these questions, you will learn how healthy you are or get you ready to start a conversation with your health care provider on how to make improvements. •

Over the past few weeks, average what you ate or drank and circle one answer for each of the questions below. 

Quantifiers lesson

Study these lessons



Contrast & Comparison Words



Download the workshop below and do the proposed exercises.



1. Use software to publish your survey online. You could use Google Forms, Sosci Survey, Survey Monkey, or any other tool.


2. Conduct your survey to at least 20 classmates before November 13th.

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